Welcome!Welcome to the Cobb Scholars Group at the W. Montague Cobb/NMA Health Institute. We are thrilled to be facilitating connections among our growing community of aspiring researchers and healthcare professionals dedicated to addressing health disparities. Since its establishment in 2016, the Cobb Scholars Group has been committed to attracting exceptional individuals like yourself and providing valuable opportunities in health disparities research. We understand the importance of supporting early career physicians and scientists who aspire to excel as faculty members in medical schools and other institutions of higher learning across the United States. The Cobb Institute, named after Dr. William Montague Cobb and launched in December 2004 at Howard University, is devoted to identifying and addressing issues that contribute to racial and ethnic health and healthcare disparities. Through our work, we have recognized the significant potential for engaging in early career advising, mentoring, and specialized education to nurture professionals who are passionate about making a difference through research. As a Cobb Scholar, you will receive invaluable mentoring and guidance to propel your career advancement. Whether you hold an M.D. or Ph.D. degree and have completed it within the past 15 years, our aim is to support you in becoming a research scientist, clinical physician specialist, or academician focused on health disparities and health inequities. We are dedicated to building a diverse pipeline of professionals in the bio-sciences industry who can contribute to cutting-edge research and discovery. Through the Cobb Institute, you will have access to structured learning experiences, formal and informal mentorship from our esteemed Cobb Senior Fellows, Board members, and faculty members. You will also have the opportunity to engage with fellow scholars, fostering an environment of idea exchange and collaboration for research opportunities. We are excited to embark on this journey with you, and we believe that together, we can make a significant impact in reducing health disparities and improving the health of all Americans.